
Cannabis Chronicles Part 3
Once I had made the commitment to fully own my creator status, I realized something: The more value I added to the world, the more value the world added to my life! As a consumer, I was always taking more than I gave, and it created an imbalance in my life. When I made the […]

Cannabis Chronicles Part 2
When I first began using cannabis we would just take a hit from a bong, watch funny YouTube videos, and walk around my neighborhood laughing and enjoying the effects. The effects for me were as follows: –Heightened sensory acuity -Deep present moment awareness -Time slowing down -Powerful feelings of empathy -Universal perspective -Strong yearning to uncover life’s […]

The Cannabis Chronicles Part 1
We had been hiking for hours and hadn’t seen a single soul when we reached the top of the lookout. With sweat soaking my back, I laid my hiking pack on the ground. The view was beautiful. With my friend standing next to me, I thought “how does it get any better than this?!” As […]

Video Interview: Build Lasting Relationships With Jayson Gaddis
GET READY FOR THE 30 DAY BEST LIFE CHALLENGE! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE In today’s video, we discuss confrontation, intimacy and more with relationship expert Jayson Gaddis. Get Jason’s free one hour video here:

Sharpen Your Intuition To Fuel Your Success With Heidi Cuppari
GET READY FOR THE 30 DAY BEST LIFE CHALLENGE! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE In Today’s interview learn from Heidi Cuppari about the power of connecting with your intuition to fuel your business and life success. Take advantage of her free consultation here: Consultation

Video Interview: How To Build Wealth With Your Story, by Hawk Mikado
GET READY FOR THE 30 DAY BEST LIFE CHALLENGE! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE In this interview, dive into the mind of Hawk Mikado. In this powerful video we discuss YOUR story and how you can use it to build wealth and attract more business. Entrepreneurs and would be entrepreneurs won’t want to miss this one. Click Here […]

Video Interview: Clearing Old Emotions Keeping You Stuck, with Nick Breau
GET READY FOR THE 30 DAY BEST LIFE CHALLENGE! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE Nick Breau, breakthrough specialists has dedicated his life to helping you clear your old “stuff” that is keeping you stuck in old behavior patterns. According to Nick, clearing out this old, stuck energy, or “stuff” can help you attract new relationships, new […]

Video Interview: Unlock Your Self Mastery with Ryan Stock
GET READY FOR THE 30 DAY BEST LIFE CHALLENGE! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE Ryan Stock takes us on a journey of self mastery and how to apply it in your life. To take advantage of Ryan’s free gift, e-mail him here:

Video Interview: How to Design a Fearless Life with Peter Scott IV
GET READY FOR THE 30 DAY BEST LIFE CHALLENGE! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE Learn how to become a fearless entrepreneur by understanding the connection between your body and your performance in business and life. Get Peter’s fantastic program: Click Here Check out peter’s website: Click Here

Video Interview with Somatic Therapist Eric Sjoberg
GET READY FOR THE 30 DAY BEST LIFE CHALLENGE! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE. In this video Matt dives in DEEP with Eric Sjoberg Somatic Therapist. They cover how to free and resolve old patterns that are keeping you stuck in unfulfilling, energy draining relationships. Take advantage of Eric’s special offer for Matt’s readers: Eric Sjoberg 90 […]

Video Interview with Best Selling Author, Chuck Blakeman
Get Ready For the 30 Day Best Life Challenge! Click Here to Learn More. Best Selling Author Chuck Blakeman chimes in on the difference between riches, wealth and true freedom. Learn more about Chuck and his great projects, below: Download Chuck’s Full Bio PDF Here
100% Commitment is easy; 99% is a Bitch!
My entire life I’ve only ever done just enough to get by. That’s a humbling realization. When I used to race motocross, I would only ride just fast enough to pass the guy in front of me. It’s the reason I rarely won races if I was leading the pack; the only way I would […]

The Secret To Productivity is…
Are you just productive, or are you efficient? There is a big difference between being productive and being efficient. When I think about structuring my day and getting things done, my mind immediately goes to the word productivity. Or at least it used to. How productive can I be today? I would ask myself this […]

How to Eliminate Distractions and Renew Your Focus in Four Easy Steps
As a busy entrepreneur, or aspiring entrepreneur you probably have lots of distractions. The internet alone is enough to distract us for hours without end! So what is one to do when another day threatens to end and there are still things left on your “to do” list? 1. Focus How do we focus when […]

Why You Need To Create A Morning Ritual
Wake up, snooze, get out of bed, bathroom, coffee, shower, get dressed, go to work. This is how the majority of Americans start their day (or some variation thereof). It’s a cycle that continues day in and day out. So when I talk to people and they tell me they don’t have energy throughout their […]

A Recovering Seminar Junkie
When I first started my journey of awakening I was so excited to consume as much content and knowledge as possible. I read books, watched training videos, attended online webinars, and did weekend events, all so I could get more. For 3 years I continued in this pattern of learning and absorbing information in order […]
Short term pleasure or long term fulfillment?
That macaroni and cheese looks really good. Those were the words I thought to myself as I stood waiting for the man to take my order. “So what’ll it be?” he says. I check in with my intuition. “I’ll have the brussel sprouts,” I said. This is a decision I used […]
10 Takeaways From 10 Days Off the Grid
After spending 10 days in the desert recently I had a breakthrough on how I wanted to BE from now going forth. Not having a phone, or any other device to connect with the outside world, allowed me to be RIDICULOUSLY present. Not worrying about checking my phone, or what other people were doing, or […]
5 Gifts From Burning Man
I already wrote about my Burning Man experience last week. Check it out here. Since I am STILL getting lessons and transformations a week later, I wanted to share some of the gifts I received already. Be open to receiving I consider myself a generous person and consistently give to those around me. However, sometimes I […]
Burning Man 2014
10 days off the grid. No phone, no watch, and no contact with anyone other than the people standing in front of me. Complete presence. Epic adventures. Self expression and soul expansion. These were the intentions I had going into Burning Man 2014. So what the heck is Burning Man? It’s like trying to describe […]
How FUN Changed the Way I See the World
It was the last weekend in May, and I just finished another amazing event with Evolution Room crew. At the end of every Threshold event we take on 30 day challenges to move us forward towards something we want to see manifest in our life. When it came around for me to make a declaration, […]
I Used to Hate Flip Flops…
I did. I HATED them. The way they exposed my hairy feet… The way people would wear them with jeans… Even the annoying sound they made when you walked! Needless to say I had A LOT of judgment around flip flops and people who wore them. When I would wear them I felt self-conscious, […]
Screw The Meaning of Life & Discover Your BEST LIFE Instead!
When I was younger, I used to hear people talk about “the meaning of life” and what their theory was. To tell you the truth, it made life seem really heavy. The weight of our entire existence is a pretty big thought to ponder! I mean, who REALLY knows why we’re here, and what we’re […]
A Day In The Life Of The New Rich
It’s 2 pm on a Friday in May; MOST people are at work, counting down the minutes until they can go enjoy happy hour and start their weekend. But, I am not most people (and I’m guessing if you’re reading this you don’t want to be like most people either). As I stepped onto the […]
The Ayahuasca Experiment Part 3 of 3:
Continued from part 2. After finally eating some food, and having some conversations it was time for bed. 6 hours of solid sleep and I was awake and ready. Now I had heard that you can feel a bit tired, emotionally depleted, and/or even sick the day following a ceremony, but I felt A M […]
3 Steps To Take Your Life To the Next Level! #BOOM!
Want to Take Your Life to the Next Level? Do These 3 Things… We all hit plateaus from time to time; whether it’s in our relationships, our business, or even our golf game. These can be frustrating times because not long before we were on a roll! We were making progress, feeling good, and then […]
The Ayahuasca Experiment Part 2 of 3:
The hours leading up to our journey into the unknown helped set the stage for an amazing experience. (continued from Part 1) We practiced yoga, did breath-work and meditation, and got to know some amazing new people. Our group was small; there were only 12 of us. I’m not sure I realized it at the […]
The Ayahuasca Experiment Part 1 of 3:
For the last 60 plus years… western culture has been experimenting with Ayahuasca and it’s psychoactive ingredient, DMT, which is a chemical that is naturally found in plants and is actually produced in our own bodies. Essentially Ayahuasca, is a combination of specific plants that when prepared properly act as a delivery vehicle for DMT. Research […]
My Secret Story Of Abuse & Shame.
For 15 long years I had a secret story of shame and judgement. A story I was afraid to share with anyone. Because of what happened to me, (which I will reveal in a minute) I created a story that kept me stuck and playing small. What if the one thing that was stopping you […]
Harnessing the Power of Choice
As I sat there, hunched over, waiting for them to call my name, I thought to myself “I’ll probably never race again.” I shuddered as the realization that everything I had known and worked for the past 6 years was coming to an abrupt end. Sadness began to sink in. I didn’t know it at […]
Eliminate Shit….Commence Awesome Life, A Cautionary Tale
“The sweet is never as sweet without the sour.” ~Vanilla Ice Sometimes in life we need to feel bad so that we remember how good we can feel. I am admittedly a pretty freakin’ happy person. Ask my beautiful girlfriend- or any of my friends really- and they will tell you. Truth is, up until […]
How to Harness the Power of Paradox
Life is full of them. Sometimes they’re confusing, and other times they’re amazing. I’m referring to paradoxes. These contradictory pieces of life that can often hold kernels of truth and wisdom; especially where we least expect it! All of our lives we have been exposed to one form of contradiction or another. “It’s a Catch 22.” “What […]
My Interview with Al Diaz
If you haven’t seen it yet, You will want to jump in with me and Al Diaz in an interview about my journey and what can really happen in a year. If you are interested in accelerating your progress and learning more about what YOU can really do in a year, listen to the podcast here: What […]
30 Things by Age 30
Thirty, the age most women dread. “Twenty nine and holding” they say. Well maybe it’s because I am a man, or maybe it’s because I believe that age really is just a number, but I am excited! Every year I have spent on this earth has been better than the previous. I meet more great […]
What can Happen in a Year
Where were you exactly one year ago? Me? Well I was in Chiang Mai, Thailand experiencing great food, beautiful jungles and amazing people. When we reflect on our past, things seem to make more sense. Like Steve Jobs said “It’s much easier connecting the dots looking backwards.” At that point in time I was at […]
Awesomeness Fest 2013
What is Awesomeness Fest? You know that feeling you get when you meet someone new, and you automatically feel the connection? Instantly you know that the person is really cool, and will have an impact in your life, even if it is a small ripple. Those are the people we all want to meet! […]
Who Wants To Change The World?
This Guy Wants to Change the World! With our current political, economical and environmental states, it would be hard to argue with someone who said they wanted the world to change. However, this idea seems a bit esoteric. Where would we start? Who would lead? What would we do? Do you believe you can change […]
When life gives you a pneumonia sandwich…
*This is an article I wrote in August 2012. I felt too vulnerable at the time to share it, and it got lost amongst the sea of my life. Now, over a year later, I want to share my experience of being sick, and what it taught me! Overcoming pneumonia has been a humbling […]
Getting a BJ saved my business!
Lying in bed, sweaty, squirming, writhing. Can you feel it? Every entrepreneur has had one. One of those long dark, sleepless nights where you have absolutely no idea where the money is going to come from for this month’s bills. It’s the conundrum of every bootstrapping startup. But! There is another way. A BJ! No, […]
Are you living as your “Best Self?” Here’s how!
Top 5 signs you are living as your best self First let’s clarify the concept of your “best self.” It is my belief that within all of us is a fully expressed, loving, connected version of ourself. Throughout our life we have experienced this from time to time; maybe it was winning a sporting […]
We Date a Reflection of Ourselves
Relationships can be complicated. Some last for a few months, maybe years or an entire lifetime. All relationships serve as vehicles for our own growth. We’ve all experience both good and bad in relationships. No matter the outcome of the relationship, it has been put in your life for a reason and is never wasted […]
Wait and Listen in Meditation…. Part 4 Ego Series
“Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope – a slight change, and all patterns alter.” ― Sharon Salzberg Cultivating a healthy ego is really about waking up. It may seem daunting at first because the ego knows and curiously wants only what is familiar, even if it doesn’t serve you that well. Let’s review what we’ve […]
Let go of my Ego! umm… it’s not working. Part 3 Ego Series
In Part two of “Understanding The Ego” series, we talked about the definition of a “big ego” and how simply becoming aware of our egos can help us let go and live more freely. But it’s not always that easy, is it? “the trick is to remove ego as dictator, and turn it into messenger […]
The BIG bad Ego! Part 2 Ego Series
In the last article, we talked about how the ego can get in the way by negating your potential and telling you that you can’t experience the life you truly want. So what does this have to do with big egos? You know the type. People who seem almost narcissistic, or know-it-alls. It’s common […]
Should I kill my ego? Or love it? Part 1 Ego Series
Part one of a four-part series on Understanding and working with the Ego. Is your ego holding you back from everything you’ve ever wanted? “The ego is not master in its own house.” ~ Sigmund Freud So what is “ego” anyway? The famous psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud, first defined the ego. He said “the ego […]
How to overcome money problems
Hello my friend! It’s Matt Ritchey here and today, and I want to talk to you about the equation that is your life. Specifically money as part of that equation. So, we have things we value in life, we have things that we focus on, we have things that are just by-products of the […]
How to “beat” your competitors in business
What Could You Accomplish if Competition Didn’t Exist? We see it asked a lot: How to beat your competitors in business? In a world where just about everyone in business has a presence online, the sea of professionals, experts and practitioners can be overwhelming. Being in Business Means Being in Competition – Right? We think […]
Video: How to increase your power using synergy
In today’s video I want to talk to you about synergy. So synergy comes from the Greek word, meaning “to come together”. When two things come together and their mass is bigger than their single parts. So, one plus one equals three. Synergy can happen in nature, it happens with people, it happens with […]
Video: Success Secret, Unlocking the Power of Commitment
It’s so great to be alive – it is sunny and beautiful here in San Diego. In today’s video I want to talk to you about something that used to scare the crap out of me. That at one point in time I couldn’t even really fully do. And that’s a word some people […]
The Power of Relaxation
. It’s Matt Ritchey here and in today’s video I just wanted to talk to you about: The Power of Relaxation. So, whatever it is that you do to get away from work, to get away from the hustle and bustle stress of your everyday life – make sure you engage in that at least […]
(Video) Yoga – Kickboxing business realizes success amidst a sea of “competitors”
Starting a new Yoga Studio in San Diego is like opening up a Pizza shop in Manhattan’s Little Italy. What does it take to succeed amidst a seat of “competitors?” In this week’s interview, I sit down and talk with Kirk Hensler, the owner of Hale Holistic. Part Yoga studio, part kickboxing gym, Hale Holistic is […]

Video: The Power of Transforming Ideas into Reality
Transforming your ideas into reality… Do you wish you possessed the power of transforming your ideas into reality? I mean the biggest, juiciest most exciting, life changing ideas? It’s been often said, even the best idea in the world is powerless without taking action and transforming that idea into reality. In this video I […]
Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy: Baby Steps (Video)
Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy Every journey no matter how great, is always started and completed by one simple step at a time. Maybe you want to start a business, or start a new career. What is your first step? Raising $100,000 dollars? Driving to Trump towers to talk to Donald? Try […]
Video: Change your Frame, Change your Life!
“There is nothing either good or bad. Only thinking makes it so.” Could this famous quote from Shakespeare actually be the key to a happy and successful life? Find out in this week’s Podcast Video (keep reading) “Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to what happens to you.” Is […]
Video: Productivity Secret, Single Tasking
We all have 24 hours in a day, but how can some people get so much more done than others? Watch the Video to find out how the New Rich make the most of their time and relationships. Hey, I want to talk to you about Single Tasking. So, if you’re like me, my entire […]
Video: Are you prepared for the New Blue Economy?
Are you still sitting around waiting for the old economy to “recover?” Are you waiting for your old job to come back? Maybe you are waiting for the right time to start a business? Guess what… The old economy “aint” coming back! Are You Ready For The New BLUE Economy? That’s right, […]
Video: Growing a Business Purely!
Erin Krug, owner and formulator for Krug’s Ecologic has been passionately pioneering in the natural soap industry for the last couple of years. In this week’s video, we sit down with Erin and talk about her humble beginnings, and her rise to sudsy popularity. Doubling her business every year, Erin is no stranger to success, all the […]

Saturn Returns! Are you experiencing a 1/3 life crisis?
Are You Experiencing a Saturn Return? “UGH! Everything feels like it’s falling apart! I’m not happy anymore, I don’t like my life and I want something MORE! But what do I want? And can I even HAVE what I want? Why does everything feel so UNSETTLING?” Sound familiar? Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re probably […]
Video: Jim Simcoe Sees a Profitably “Green Business” Future
Can You Combine Passion & Profit? Jim Simcoe Says YES! In this week’s interview series, we have the privilege of sitting down with green business pioneer and home investor, Jim Simcoe. Operating out of Encinitas, California, Jim founded Simcoe Green Homes to create affordable high performance, energy efficient green homes. Not only do his homes have a […]