The Ayahuasca Experiment Part 3 of 3:

Matt-Mediate-500Continued from part 2.

After finally eating some food,

and having some conversations it was time for bed. 6 hours of solid sleep and I was awake and ready. Now I had heard that you can feel a bit tired, emotionally depleted, and/or even sick the day following a ceremony, but I felt A M A Z I N G !

For the next 6 weeks I let all my learnings integrate as I took in the thoughts and feelings, and turned them into action.

So in no particular order, here are the top 5 takeaways from my Ayahuasca experience:

  1. More self-awareness.

    1. Self-love

    2. Self-acceptance

    3. Self-connection

    4. Stronger intuition

  2. Deeper love for:

    1. Myself

    2. Strangers

    3. Family/Loved ones

    4. Mother Earth

  3. Connection to my purpose.

    1. Clarity of 30 year vision

    2. Service to others

    3. Enjoying the journey

  4. Ability to create.

    1. Owning and believing my creator status.

    2. Taking action on projects I had put off

    3. Writing, singing, and dancing more

  5. Surrender.

    1. A knowing that everything happens to my maximum advantage

    2. Trust that I will be provided for

    3. A feeling of relaxation and UN-stress like never before

So if you’re thinking about doing an Ayahuasca ceremony, hopefully this will give you some feedback to use in your decision calculator. If you’ve never thought of doing one, and aren’t sure if it is right for you…

Well I know the feeling 🙂

Keep exploring my friend, and be great!

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