It’s 2 pm on a Friday in May; MOST people are at work, counting down the minutes until they can go enjoy happy hour and start their weekend.
But, I am not most people (and I’m guessing if you’re reading this you don’t want to be like most people either).
As I stepped onto the yacht I would be on for the next 3 hours, a huge smile came across my face as I realized, I created this. 🙂
The fact that I was about to board a giant boat and hang out with some super successful, highly conscious people, was no accident. This is what I like to call Life By Design.
So why am I taking off on a Friday afternoon to relax on a yacht and enjoy sunshine and great conversation? Well, not that I NEED a reason, but the best one I can come up with is…
The work I would be doing if I wasn’t on the boat can wait until I get off; besides, I have found that some of my biggest breakthroughs come when I do things that my rational mind says I shouldn’t do.
That last sentence pretty much describes the biggest reason I am where I am along my journey; the reason I followed my intuition to stop racing motocross, to leave a “secure” high paying job and to drive across the country to live in San Diego to dedicate my life to helping others step into their greatness. I find when I follow my intuition and don’t rely on what others think I “SHOULD” do, that is when I stumble on to opportunities and into situations that provide the most growth.
I was joined by a dozen other New Economy
Entrepreneurs on that yacht
Between the conversations and deeper connections I developed, it was by far the BEST thing I could have done on a Friday afternoon or any afternoon for that matter!
This is a question I ask all my clients:
“What do you want your life to look like?” The answer to this holds the key to what action steps you need to take to make it a reality. Those action steps aren’t always easy; in fact they are usually very challenging!
In order to get something we’ve never had, we have to do something we’ve never done. In order to do something we’ve never done, we have to believe it is possible to accomplish, or our subconscious mind will make up an excuse of why we can’t do it. Once we get rid of any limiting beliefs around the action that needs to be taken…
THEN we can step powerfully
in the direction of our dreams!
My friends and I call this bold new way of working and living the “New Economy,” basically we have made a decision to lead from our inspiration and our hearts and let that determine the course of our lives.
We’ve decided to design lifestyles and an economy of integrity and sustainability for ourselves, our communities and our environment. If you are interested in learning more about the New Economy and how you can join us, check out this video!