Work With Me


As the Canna industry (both CBD and THC products) steps out of the honeymoon phase, we can all expect tighter margins and more consolidation as we enter the next phase of growth. This indicates that REAL business practices (applicable across ALL industries) are needed now more than ever- especially LEADERSHIP. The recent lapses of integrity in the industry have shown the need for growth and more transparency from the leaders who want to steer Cannabis moving forward. The world is changing and our businesses are evolving alongside it!

We’ve created an exclusive community of Canna Leaders looking to up their game in all areas, to embody the leadership necessary to run a successful business and grow a community that trusts, loves, and supports your brand.

Schedule a time to connect with me below, and join us in our mission to unite the BEST business leaders and bring them together for events, retreats, and masterminds, both in person AND online.